Amor Art Farm
art that grows art you can eat
The Gardening Revolution
Honoring the Earth with extra Style
Ecological Response
The earth is in a bad way , with humans treating her like
an inconvenient stranger who asks for help .
The more time we spend getting to know her , connecting with her ,
the more we will feel compelled to protect her .
The more attractive and nourishing our garden
the more friends will be inspired to follow our example .
Of course the Amazon Rainforest still needs saving
But action in our gardens takes the issue to the Here and Now
Honoring the Earth with Style
The Edible Landscaping movement was born out of practicality ,
with aesthetics pushed to the side .
Yet exceptional gardens balance beauty with food production .
Our style start with water and/or fire in a circular living space integrated into the heart of your food forest .
Planting beds sculpted into sensuous curves that radiate out ,
with some interesting angles to accentuate the flow .
And perhaps a small well-shaped lush green lawn ,
for afternoon naps , can be nestled into the mix .
"the best fertiliser you can give plants is your own presence"
If your edible garden is also a great place to be and to socialise , then your attention will more likely be focused on the plants .